Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How to lose weight naturally

We live in a very image obsessed culture. Pictures of perfection persecute us, when we watch television, when we walk down the street when we're at the check-out counter at the supermarket. It is a constant against our self-esteem, and it's no wonder that every time a new treatment, all the weight loss medicine hits the shelves, get bought by a consumer public obsessed with being thin and attractive.

The problem is that there are no shortcuts to healthy weight loss. As they sayYes, if it is too good to be true it probably is. As Fen-Phen before, Hydroxycut provide a rapid loss of weight in a society where obesity is a rapidly growing problem. The truth is that many people do not know how to lose weight and it is hoped that the pill could help initiate. The bad news is that Hydroxycut is linked to liver damage and rhabdomyolysis, rapid degradation of skeletal muscle.

The good news, however, is thatWeight loss can be healthy and responsible, and though it may take longer than people, like most, it is very possible. Next few simple rules, you can increase your chances of living a long and healthy life. Diet and exercise are of course the key.

Exercise. We live in a sedentary world. Many of us wake up every morning, get into a car to go to work, sitting behind a desk all day and then go home and stay a while '. Every calorie you eat sitting aroundand becomes fat. But studies show that walking a mile in a single day, you can maintain your weight. Running a few miles, you can start to lose weight serious over time. Cardio such as running, cycling or swimming are the best way to lose weight, but increases weight loss when these sessions are mixed with weightlifting.

Diet. The other pillar of weight loss and diet. You've probably heard the old metaphor before, your body is like acar, and we must ensure that you put in the fuel tank. It may be an expression of old and tired, but it is absolutely true. We eat junk food "more than ever. Most Americans have diets high in fat, sugar and salt, with most of their food is high energy, high supply of calories with little nutritional value. If you want to lose weight, you need to start eating smaller portions of healthier foods. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals. Dichange the percentage of fruit and vegetables in your diet, increase your chances of losing weight.