Monday, November 16, 2009

Weight loss herbal to be stolen or frustrated?

Introduction step in any health food store and maybe a slap in the face with names like Inferno, Up Your Gas and oil Ripped! These are the cries of the battle of competing companies to run different on your hard earned U.S. dollars. Convincing. Who would not want to burn the gas chambers or extra fat and start carving like a greek god?

Over the last decade, the Battle of the Bulge in the United States has generated billions of dollars of food supplementsindustry. Browse through any muscle magazine nowadays and you can not help but get caught in the names of acute and Razor Ripped, Ripped to the Max, Tore Force Extreme Ripped Force and Metacuts. Turn the page and the temperature increases, as the latest product called Hell, Thermicore and Thermospeed seduce with bright, multi-page color ads. But be careful, because you are in the burn unit to score points on his fingers burnt!

But the real heavy hitters are herbalusefulness in several large marketing budgets. Distributors to promote products on everything from chat sites and bulletin boards in shopping centers windshield colorful brochures. Most have their own ma huang / guarana mixtures in a simple, no taller than mixtures of ephedrine and caffeine.

Top of plants: those who steal or cheat? The popularity of herbal supplements is very high. With public distrust of more doctors and moresetting, people leave the counter and prescription medications for weight loss, rather than opting for natural, "Help yourself" approach.

However, tiptoeing through a minefield under virtual plants can be confusing, if not intimidating, without a degree in botany. Ruth Kava, Ph.D., RD, director of nutrition for the American Council on Science and Health points that people should not be so quick to jump on the train the grass. "Not only were testedpotentially dangerous drug, imitates the herbal can do the same and not proven. "

Consumers must understand that weight loss, and AIDS, such as Dexatrim pharmacists could be more effective family-based plants in terms of security, at least you know the exact amount of active ingredient per dose. Medicinal plants that do not have that luxury, so the actual amount of the active ingredient is displayed may vary.

Ma Huang (also known as ephedra, ChineseEphedra or ephedrine) Tops usually list the ingredients in most weight loss products and herbal. The active chemical compounds present in this herb are alkaloids called, the most common is ephedrine. The alkaloids are amphetamine-like compounds that stimulate the central nervous system and cardiovascular system. Therefore, taking ma huang increases your heart rate and blood pressure, giving momentum of energy!

Although these effects are probably not an immediate danger to the apparently healthypeople with existing medical conditions might be appropriate to move. Heart patients and stroke, those with high blood pressure, thyroid problems, diabetes or other health conditions affected by high blood pressure should seek the advice of your doctor before trying ma huang.

With all the hype around the grass up to its reputation as a stripper fat? According to Varro Tyler, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Purdue University,"Ephedra might work a bit 'to lose weight, but not as much as people think."

It may slightly increase your metabolism, but it could be the appetite suppressant effect of alkaloids "who is really responsible for lost books. However, it is desirable for the diet and should not be discounted.

People may be tempted to use the herbal stimulants such as motivational tool to hit the gym. However, the use of ephedrine for "jack" for the practice can cause unpleasant side effects such astachycardia, palpitations, nervousness, dizziness, and blood pressure, which could affect performance and health.

A mixture of herbs and herbal are often mixed with other herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, nutrients or any other day. The blends are sold under the pretext that its ability to combine fat burning is greater than each of the ingredients alone. Hydroxycut is a popular product marketed under the burning of fat "very effective"Supplement that can" significantly increase fat loss. "It contains several herbs and nutrients, including ma huang and guarana. Guarana is an herbal source of caffeine in combination with ephedrine alkaloids, making a difference an explosive mixture that can send bounces off the walls. Dayne Callum, a biochemist at Boston, Massachusetts, said: "After a long sabbatical in the gym, I decided to take Hydroxycut as a way to revive the lost weight. I took it for a month and lost 10 pounds, but hestop because it made me very nervous. So next month I lost about the same amount of weight, but without the nervousness. "

Mr. Tyler offered words of warning about the herbal cocktail, saying, "increasing effect of ephedrine with caffeine, which can be dangerous for people with high blood pressure." This raises questions Products for plant safety. What is being done to protect consumers?

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in October 1994President Bill Clinton signed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). The law provides that when a product is labeled as a dietary supplement, which can be sold to consumers without proof of safety, effectiveness, purity or potency. The burden of proof now lies with the Food and Drug Administration to prove that a supplement works or not harmful. If we discover that a product is dangerous for the public good, which can be recalled. Tyler refers to the law, asdouble-edged sword. "On one hand, maintains the products on the market, but on the other hand, allows many companies to enter the market without exercise care and sensitivity."

Consumer preferences drug herbal prescription is understandable. Fen-Phen combination with cardiac lesions and the subsequent withdrawal of 1997, the market has sent a shock wave, if the public and served to reinforce the distrust of the pharmaceutical industry. Fear has led to more"natural" alternative called Herbal Fen-Phen. The main ingredients of this product are ma huang and St. John's wort. The promotional material suggests that the combination provides the same results as the counterpart of the order. However, the Food and Drug counters these claims by saying that the mixture has not been proven effective for weight loss.

The intensive marketing has plunged the public into believing that "natural" equals "safe and effective." Unfortunately, this is notalways the case. For example, other herbs "natural" as the chaparral and consolidates (not used for weight loss) were associated with liver damage.

Under DSHEA, the effectiveness of the product is not guaranteed. Researchers at the University of Arkansas, has found considerable variations in alkaloid content of nine commercially available supplements. The authors suggest that the active compounds are present in different species of ephedra can vary, resulting in significant concentration differences between the products.Warned that weaken labeling laws could contribute to the toxicity associated with the use of ma huang.

After thousands of reports of adverse reactions associated with ma huang, the Food and Drug Administration has proposed new labeling requirements to recommend a total daily dose of 24 milligrams per day or less of ephedrine alkaloids.

Supplement is the key word has come to the conclusion that research shows to reliable, secure, stimulating and effective herbal remedies, whichMay consider other ways of losing weight. Be responsible and prudent. Look Who's pushing pills. Because most personal trainers are not dieticians or pharmacists should check with your recommendation for these products with skepticism, sell the product of the committee?

Remember, supplements, herbal supplements are just not a substitute for cutting calories they eat and exercise regularly. Go ahead and gas up, and the incineration of extraseliminate the mode required, with a healthy lifestyle. You think a greek god sculpted in no time!